Wednesday, August 3, 2011

6 Month Pictures of Gracie!

5 month pictures of Gracelyn & Leanna

These pictures were taken by Sylvia's good friend, Rachelle Hartman on June 1st 2011 for their 5 month photo shoot. Gracelyn was just sitting up, but only for a couple seconds at a time! It was also her first time at a beach!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Gracie's almost 7 Months!!

I know it's been a while since I've blogged - but I don't think very many people read this anyways. I mainly do it for keeping account of Gracie's growing up & stuff anyways. She has been sitting up for a couple weeks now & is getting more "conversational" with her babbling. She is growing up sooo fast, it makes me sad! She rolls over, grabs stuff (like cheerio's), and is eating a ton of different solid foods. She loves people & hasn't had too much "stranger danger". She loves her Auntie Sara & Sara loves her. Sara is the age that I was when she was born - which is kind of cool. I hope they are close like sisters. I still can't believe that Sylvia and I delivered our baby girls on the SAME DAY, only 2.5 hours apart. It's so unbelievable - especially since Syl and I are so close. I hope Leanna and Gracelyn are close to each other too. Well, I am typing this on Sara's laptop so I can't upload any new pictures (you can check facebook for those anyways). I will try to upload some soon if I get the chance. Until then... God bless!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Three and Four Month Pictures!!

Three Months!! Auntie Sara was holding her & she was laying on a beautiful hand-made blanket for her from Mr. Gullang (my former neighbor). It has a purple cross on it. :) It was hard to take a picture of her smiling because she gets too intrigued with the camera!

Four Month pictures below!