Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Two Months & counting...

Soon it will be time for me to go back to work & I'm both looking forward to it & sad about leaving my baby. I'm glad I only work part-time and that there is a potential for getting a "low" when the census is quiet. But I know that I can do it - I will just miss her a bunch when I'm away. The longest I've ever been gone from her has been about 3 hours. That will change tomorrow when I'll be away for about 5 hours - I know I can handle it though - I just worry that she'll be crying a lot.
As far as her development goes - she's been smiling back at us since 5 weeks old & it's sooo cute! She does it all the time now & coo's & babbles daily. She and I have "conversations" which is so fun. I'm trying to teach her how to say "I love you" by pausing after each word & letting her respond. She's doing such a good job & even makes it sound similar on many occasions! It's so exciting! She likes to sit up and stand up and step (with help of course) and is so much more alert now, looking at toys & books while I read to her. She loves being rocked, her pacifier, bath's, being on her changing table (she talks a lot on it), her swing, music, bouncer, and is always good when I take her shopping! (That's a girl for you) I think her and I will enjoy shopping together... lol
Last week, we met my mom, Sara, Sylvia, & Leanna at an indoor waterpark & it was soo fun! Gracelyn enjoyed it (as I thought) and had the widest eyes as we went around on a tube down the lazy river FOUR times! I think all the sounds and music and sights were too much for her because she didn't nap except for 10 minutes & was grouchy half the way home. I thought she would pass out from exhaustion in the car, but I guess I was wrong - she just didn't want to leave the water park or her cousin! Sylvia and I had to dress the girls alike, of course. It's amazing that Leanna outgrew Gracelyn by 2lbs! Grace is now 11lbs 2oz & 22.5inches long (that was on 3/5/11). She has a little chunk & is a normal size for her age (40-50th percentile). I can't believe how much hair Leanna still has! So much like Sylvia when she was little (but still looks like Oleg), and Gracelyn is so much like me, but looks a lot like Vince. It's interesting how that happened...

Here are her two month pictures!